Oil Palm MicroSatellite database (https://ssr.icar.gov.in) has following tabs:
Home, SSR markers, Tutorial, Related, About, Contact
The "Home tab describes the database in general, its importance to Oil palm worker

SSR Markers
It is useful to find SSR repeats, primers and other useful information
After clicking SSR markers, It will display search option for genic SSRs and genomic SSRs
On clicking the "Genic SSR markers" tab, which is the main tab of this database query page opens up, where the user has customised options for database search. These searches may be made based on Microsatellite characterstics include motif type (mono, di, tri, tetra, penta and hexa), and repeat type (by typing repeat motif) or both.

Then to find out SSRs in the EST sequences, search can be done as per the following steps.

The results will be displayed as follows.

On clicking the "Genomic SSR markers" tab, user can search for chromosome wise SSR primer data.
The data for SSR primers can be search based on the following steps.

The results will be displayed as follows.

Under the related menu, we provided the related links to the present database and oil palm.

For any further queries the users can contact the address given below screen shot as given in contact of menu bar.